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Invasive Species Teachers Kit

The Insects Invade teacher's package is an educational product to help build awareness among elementary school children (fourth and fifth graders) on the issue of invasive insects. It includes 30 copies of a 12-page full color magazine called "Insects Invade", a teacher's page that has two lesson plans as well as a comment card for feedback. The magazine was developed in conjunction with Scholastic, Inc.
SKU: 99330
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Smokey Natural Inquirer Scientist Card

Share more about Smokey Bear and his fire prevention responsibilities. Card is 4 1/4" wide by 5" tall and is made of light weight card stock glossy paper.

Smokey Bear Rulers

Each ruler has one of Smokey's Five Rules on it (Always be careful with fire, Always Watch your campfire, Only you can prevent wildfires, Make sure your campfire is completely out before leaving it, Never play with matches). Rulers are thin and flexible. They are made of 20 mil plastic. Includes imperial and metric measurements.