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Smokey Bear Metal Sign

This sign is made of aluminum and is non-reflective. It has holes punched in the top center and bottom center for hanging purposes. Great for posting at campgrounds, information centers, or to use as an award. Size - 12" wide by 18" tall.
SKU: 99279a
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Junior Forest Ranger Adventure Guide- English

The adventure guide welcomes children to the world of the forest and gives them the opportunity to get involved with an array of fun and educational activities. Once the activities are completed, the child is encouraged to submit the card in the back of the booklet to the National Symbols Cache. When the card is received, the new Junior Forest Ranger is sent his or her official Junior Forest Ranger card and patch.

Woodsy Owl Bags

This sturdy bag is made with white kraft paper and a serrated top and matching twisted paper handles. Bags are made from recycled materials. Perfect for packaging conservation education materials for events. Messages printed on the bag encourage kids to help Woodsy spread the word “Give a Hoot Don't Pollute."

Junior Snow Ranger Activity Guide

This activity book is designed for children in the fourth and fifth grades. It teaches them about the role of a real snow ranger, the use of rescue dogs, and the continued importance of wildfire prevention during the winter. Projects include making snowshoes similar to those once used in some Native American cultures and creating frozen bubbles. This colorful publication's outdoor and indoor activities highlight themes such as safety, wildlife, winter ecology, recreation, and the joy of winter fun. When children complete the activities in the book, they are encouraged to submit the included form to become official Junior Snow Rangers and receive a banana, patch, and ID card.

Smokey Bear Camping Cup (stainless steel

Camping cups are high quality stainless steel. They are strong and durable.