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Smokey Bear Story Book - Teacher's Version

Share the true story of the living Smokey Bear. The Smokey Bear Story book is bound in easel format and designed to be read to a group of young children. The story is narrated in both English and Spanish languages. Either (or both) can be used depending on the reader and the audience. Its colorful illustrations engage children in the story, and a teacher’s page denotes the book’s correlation to National Educational Standards, provides activity suggestions, and offers additional resources that can be used to help children team up with Smokey Bear to prevent wildfires.
SKU: 99288
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The Smokey Bear Story Book - Children's Version

This book tells the true story of the living Smokey Bear. Smokey shares his story with young children to help them understand how important it is to be careful with fire. This book compliments the teacher’s version (SKU 99288) and is designed for children to take home, read on their own, and share the five rules of fire prevention with their friends and family. Like the teacher’s version, all text is featured in both English and Spanish.

Smokey Bear Flying Disks

These high-flying disks are a great way to toss around Smokey’s fire prevention message in the classroom and at events. Each disk includes a nylon pouch in its corresponding color. The flier comes inserted into the pouch to make it easier to hand out. Made from recycled materials.

Junior Forest Ranger Adventure Guide - Spanish

The adventure guide welcomes children to the world of the forest and gives them the opportunity to get involved with an array of fun and educational activities. Once the activities are completed, the child is encouraged to submit the card in the back of the booklet to the National Symbols Cache. When the card is received, the new Junior Forest Ranger is sent his or her official Junior Forest Ranger card and patch.

Smokey "Paw" Stamp

Use this Smokey signature stamp to mark your paper work, envelopes or other items to show your support for Smokey in wildfire prevention. Share with kids to create their own artwork, etc. They are self-inking in black ink. The imprint size is 1.5" x 1.5".