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"I [Heart] Smokey" Wristbands

These wristbands are made of 100% Toshiba silicone rubber, imprinted with "I [heart] Smokey". Use these wristbands to get Smokey’s fire prevention messages to children.
SKU: 99269a
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Woodsy Owl Pencils

Classic No. 2 wooden pencils encourage everyone to "Give a Hoot - Don't Pollute", "Be Climate Wise" and "Lend a Hand - Care for the Land!" Each color represents one of Woodsy's conservation messages.

Smokey Bear 80th Garden/Camping Flag

Easy to install. Long-lasting hardware manufactured from high grade iron. Fade proof graphics printed on high quality fabric. Printed on both sides.

Poster Contest Certificate of Participation

Since 1961, the U.S. Forest Service and the National Garden Clubs, Inc. have worked together to sponsor an annual poster contest that reaches elementary children throughout the United States. The contest helps promote Smokey Bear and his fire prevention message “Only You Can Prevent Wildfires” and Woodsy Owl and his conservation message “Lend a Hand – Care for the Land”. 1st through 5th grade students are invited to demonstrate through original drawings of Smokey Bear or Woodsy Owl their understanding of fire prevention and basic environmental conservation principles. Garden Clubs can provide the participates with an of the Certificates of Participation.