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Smokey Bear "Only You" Magnets

Display this magnet as a reminder that we all have a personal responsibility to Help Prevent Wildfires!. Made of recycled materials.
SKU: 99464
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Woodsy Owl Pencils

Classic No. 2 wooden pencils encourage everyone to "Give a Hoot - Don't Pollute", "Be Climate Wise" and "Lend a Hand - Care for the Land!" Each color represents one of Woodsy's conservation messages.

Woodsy Owl Bags

This sturdy bag is made with white kraft paper and a serrated top and matching twisted paper handles. Bags are made from recycled materials. Perfect for packaging conservation education materials for events. Messages printed on the bag encourage kids to help Woodsy spread the word “Give a Hoot Don't Pollute."

Woodsy Owl's ABC's Book - English

This illustrated book is designed to be read to young children. In classic ABC format, each page offers a letter of the alphabet, a word beginning with that letter, a rhyming phrase and an action prompt or activity. The content is related to Woodsy Owl’s core messages and encourages children to understand and care for the natural world. Printed on recycled paper.

"I [Heart] Smokey" Wristbands

These wristbands are made of 100% Toshiba silicone rubber, imprinted with "I [heart] Smokey". Use these wristbands to get Smokey’s fire prevention messages to children.